Covid-19 & Flu Vaccination Information

Influenza and COVID-19 Vaccinations for Visitors

The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) strongly recommends that vaccination remains one of the most effective protective factors for both Influenza and COVID-19.

Annual Influenza vaccination is recommended for all people aged six months and over (unless contraindicated).

We strongly recommend vaccinations against Influenza and COVID-19 for visitors to our homes to protect our residents.

PLEASE NOTE: This information is intended for residents and the general public. All staff must refer to communications provided at a facility level, or refer to their Facility Manager.

Stay in contact with loved ones

We encourage ongoing family and friend contact via phone, video calls and email to ensure you can stay closely connected to residents. To book a video call you can use this link or our online messaging system, ‘Message Your Loved One’ is another option that can be utilised at any time.

What are Infinite Care’s reporting obligations?

Infinite Care will follow obligations to report to the Public Health Unit in the event we have confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19. We will liaise with the Public Health Unit daily and provide regular updates when and where deemed necessary for ongoing communication.

Infinite Care will continue to review current Commonwealth and State Guidelines and implement and communicate recommended changes to ensure safety and wellbeing of our Infinite Community.

COVID-19: Frequently Asked Questions

What are the early signs of COVID-19?

Symptoms can range from a mild illness to pneumonia. Most people will recover easily from COVID-19, but others may get sick very quickly.

People with the virus may experience:

  • Fever
  • Flu like symptoms such as coughing, sore throat, runny nose and fatigue
  • Some may also experience loss of taste and smell, headache, muscle and joint pain, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite.

Click for more information

Who is considered a close contact to someone with COVID-19? 

For COVID-19, a close contact is anyone who was within 6 feet of an infected person in a closed space for at least 15 minutes. An infected person can spread COVID-19 starting 48 hours (or 2 days) before the person had any symptoms or tested positive for the virus.

What measures can I take to prevent the spread of COVID-19? 

Physical contact: Avoid physical contact with others including, handshakes, kissing, hugging etc. Keep a safe social distance of 1.5m between yourself and others.

Hand washing: Hand wash regularly with soap and water.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Any visitor entering one of our facilities MUST also wear appropriate PPEs as required at the time of entry.

What if a resident develops symptoms of COVID-19?

If a resident becomes unwell with symptoms of COVID-19 or Influenza, they will be isolated in their room. GP and staff will continue to provide care and support to the residents while they are isolated. Our team will provide regular updates in the event of an outbreak. Please contact the Facility Manager to discuss individual circumstances.

What can I expect when visiting an Infinite Care facility? 

All visitors must adhere to the following requirements when visiting one of our facilities:

  • Our preferred visitation time is between the hours of 10am and 4pm. Any visitation requirements outside of these hours should be discussed with the Facility Manager for approval.
  • Visitors must complete the entry screening requirements including sign in through electronic device and completing self-declaration including temp check and RAT test and PPE requirements, if any.
  • Visitors must perform hand hygiene before entering, and after leaving a resident’s room.