In order to meet local community demand Infinite Care will further expand and extend at The Churchill Retreat in Kilburn and Rose Court Aged Care Facility in Gilles Plains. These expansions will assist in meeting an increasing demand for residential aged care places in the local community.
The expansion will include new resident rooms with ensuites, common areas that provide additional resident living space and sensory landscaped garden areas. All Infinite homes are already dementia friendly and incorporate contemporary design features to enable residents the ongoing ability to shop from the `street of life’. The designs include onsite cafes, hair and beauty salon and sensory gardens. Infinite is passionate about resident’s having the ability to choose the care and services in their home when part of the extended Infinite family.
Planning and development approval has been finalised and construction at both facilities will commence shortly, due for completion by late September.
“At Infinite Care we are intently focused on our role as a provider of aged care to the local community. We have empathy for the complex decision process that aged care poses for families. We appreciate the need to work closely with the extended community to provide the best services and important cultural links to enable our residents to feel at home. Our resident’s life choices matter as much to us as the care choices that need to be made. The community in which our residents live and continue to interact is important to us,” confirms Chris Stride, Joint Managing Director of Infinite Care.