Never to be seen without her pearls and a smack of lippy, our lovely Elma turns 104 at the end of July, but we couldn’t wait that long to celebrate. Our Yarned & Dangerous knitting group excitedly seized the moment to gift her a blanket they made especially for her bed. Elma was so chuffed!
Later marrying Raymond McClellan, a member of the Air Force during the war, they went on to have 3 sons, Craig, Ross and Ian, and spent many happy years raising their busy family in Albury, NSW.
Though not as mobile as she used to be, Elma still enjoys walking around the facility each day smiling at everyone she passes. She enjoys watching tennis and attending our concerts, karaoke, happy hour and any special event at Infinite Care Cornubia.
Elma is very close to her son Ian and daughter in law Lyn, who visit her often.
Her eldest son, Craig and wife Laurelle now live in Melbourne, but visit whenever they get the chance. She is very proud of her 5 grandchildren, their partners and her 9 cherished great grandchildren.
Elma is truly an inspiration to us all and we wish her the very best for this her 104th birthday.