Help Raise Awareness for Elder Abuse

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) is an important day in the aged care sector and is recognised annually on 15th June. Such a day is aimed at bringing greater awareness of the mistreatment of older people and the need for appropriate action to bring an end to such behaviours.

Abuse of the elderly is a global social issue which affects the health, well-being, independence and human rights of millions of older people around the world, and an issue which deserves the attention of all in the community.  Elder abuse includes the unreasonable use of force (physical abuse); unlawful sexual contact (sexual abuse); financial abuse; psychological abuse; neglect and social abuse.

As an organisation Infinite Care have strict policies and strategies in place to screen all staff and we only employ people who firmly believe it is privilege to be part of our residents lives and who value them as much as we do. Infinite Care commits to providing environments that protect the safety and welfare of residents.  The company has zero tolerance for any form of elder abuse.

In some parts of the world elder abuse still occurs with little recognition or response. On 15 June individuals, communities and organisations can use the opportunity to come together in a united manner to hold events that raise awareness of elder abuse. The theme for 2019 is ‘We can stop elder abuse’ and the colour of the day is purple!

What can you do to help raise awareness? Well, get your creative purple juices flowing and hold an awareness event like these suggestions below:

  • Organise a ‘Wear Purple Day’ at your work
  • Plan a walk, morning tea, picnic or games day
  • Plant a tree and tie a giant purple ribbon around it
  • Create some street art to commemorate
  • Organise a senior’s flash mob
  • Hold a fashion show with purple clothes from op-shops
  • Have a purple party, with purple food and purple decorations
  • Organise a writing competition with a purple theme
  • Raise awareness and funds for organisations working to stop elder abuse through a trivia night, film night, talent quest, benefit concert – or get sponsored for a personal challenge!
  • When posting photos of your events on social media use the hashtag #WEAAD

For more ideas or resources visit Do your part to help educate your community and help raise awareness to protect the most vulnerable in our society from elder abuse.

For help or to report elder abuse please call 1300 368 821.


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