The Importance of Dementia Options


At Infinite Care we know all too well how important it is for dementia sufferers to be in an environment that is not only empathetic to their situation, but also equipped to support them in their daily struggles – struggles that are often very different from one sufferer to the next. We also know how important it is for families and carers to access respite and find the support they need to care for a loved one on the decline.

As dementia progresses, sufferers are almost certain to require heightened support and care. Many sufferers develop behaviour that can be very challenging in an unsuitable environment, behaviours such as aggression, restlessness and refusal to take medication. The care required can often go beyond the physical and mental capacity of a relative/carer.

Real People, Real Life

One first-hand account of a couple’s struggle to find appropriate residential dementia care, details the story of Rosemary and Don. Rosemary reached a point where her husband needed to enter residential care due to the severity of his dementia. The search for urgent care was fruitless and Don ended up in psychiatric care for 11 months while Rosemary continued her search for a more suitable care solution. She found through her search that many aged care facilities refused to admit Don when they discovered the facts of his severe diagnosis.

Raising Awareness

Now that Don is in care Rosemary has gained an improved quality of life, but wants to raise awareness of the ongoing issues for families like hers – desperately seeking adequate support and viable living solutions for dementia sufferers. Rosemary also says that throughout her search she was never made aware of palliative care options and feels that there is a stigma attached to dementia, “People with dementia, let alone their families and carers, don’t seem to be considered worthy of palliative care.”

Infinite Care Facilities are Dementia Friendly

At Infinite Care we understand this struggle intimately and are equipped to provide the support needed in these emotional and trying situations. All our facilities are dementia friendly and several have Memory Support Units that specialise in providing the support needed for residents and their families. In addition, our new facilities being developed in Queensland include areas that are specifically designed for memory support and dementia care.

If you or someone you know would like to know more, please contact our admissions team on 1800 463 468 or [email protected].

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