A recent story aired on Lateline has reported on a new program in Australia that replicates a tried and tested dementia village model, specifically designed for those living with Alzheimers.
Research suggests that people with dementia thrive when they feel connected and purposeful so the solution can be very simple with the right design of rooms and engaging environments.
Finding Solice in Familiarity
Living spaces should be designed to recreate a familiar atmosphere that reminds residents of their lives before they had dementia.“It is about capturing the things that would have been meaningful to them in their room. So family photos and different things that they can sit and touch and look at and enjoy. We don’t have any institutional routines. In contrast to our nursing home or big residential aged care facility we don’t have routines of waking residents up. Residents will wake up in their own time with their own routine,” says Tamar Krebs, CEO and Founder of Group Homes Australia. Read the full Lateline transcript here
Memory Support at all Infinite Care Facilities
All our Infinite facilities are dementia friendly and we have specialist Memory Support Units at a number of our homes. Recent significant refurbishments at our facilities have incorporated cafes, hair and beauty salons, sensory garden and other stimulating concepts. Our state of the art Toowoomba and Cornubia facilities will cater for dementia residents in every aspect.
Infinite Care has a family focus to ensure all residents feel they are at home. Our Memory Support Units provide a depth of empathy and understanding for residents (and their families) with Dementia, Alzheimer’s and many other related cognitive conditions. It can be anxiety provoking when your loved ones do not remember you, have a change in their personality or have behavioural challenges arise.
At Infinite Aged Care, we take a very individualised approach. The care we provide is about you or your loved one. We strongly promote resident choice and take a resident centred view to ensure that holistically we cater for an individual’s specific needs and requirements. We also understand that as a loved one your emotional needs are important, and we encourage you to be part of the extended Infinite family too.
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