Keeping you connected!


We are certainly living in uncertain and unprecedented times, and all navigating this in the best ways that we can.

At a time like this we understand anxieties are heightened, particularly when you have a loved one whose age or health places them in a more vulnerable position than others.

For the protection of our residents we have had to restrict facility visits at the moment and we want to thank you for your patience and support. We understand how difficult this time also is for families.

Technology…please step up!

Fortunately, we live in a day and age where there are so many ways we can stay in contact with the people we care about, without requiring our physical presence! Technology at a time like this is such a blessing with video chats, text messages, emails, and more, available at our fingertips. We literally have telephones, which double as cameras and video cameras, sitting right in our pockets every day!

A great time to get back to basics

But in addition to the many digital ways we can reach our loved ones it is also a special time to get back to basics and embrace the simple things in life. Letters and postcards are something many of us may not have received in the mail for a long time, which is why we made postcards to send to our families so they can send a bright and happy hello our residents in the coming weeks. Think of the smiles on their faces when they find out the mail man has delivered something special just for them.

Message your loved one

But if being online is more your thing, we have options there too. Try our ‘Message Your Loved One’ option on the Infinite Care website, for example. It works much like an email, where you choose the facility your loved one resides at, enter their name (and their room number if you know it) and write them a message that will be printed out and delivered to their room. You can even attach photos! It’s a great way to stay in touch and know your message will reach them that day.

So many options…and more in the works

We are also working on a booking system that will be added to our website shortly, where you can choose a time to have a video call with your loved one. While we wait for this online booking option to be available please feel free to call your facility to ask about scheduling a video chat.

Other easy to use and accessible technologies are being tested at the moment and we will let you know when they are available. Connecting our residents to their family and community is a priority for us and we want to assure you that we are taking thoughtful care of your loved one at this time. We are checking in with them regularly, calming their concerns and making sure they are being entertained, listened to and staying well-nourished – inside and out. We are also recruiting more staff, with big hearts, so our residents continue to get the attention they need in your absence.

Please trust us

We promise that your loved one is in good hands at this time, and their health and well-being are our absolute priority as always.


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