Did you know that Toowoomba is one of the strongest and fastest growing economic regions in Australia?
We heard about that little secret a while back, and are pleased that the groundworks recently commenced at our Greenfield site in this budding region.
Only a few years back, Toowoomba was struggling after being hit with drought, a drop in the value of farming produce, and the loss of some major manufacturers. The coal seam gas boom saw a resurgence in the region as billions of dollars were invested in the gas fields surrounding the area, and while the drop in oil prices had far reaching affects, major companies such as Santos and Origin continue to spend hundreds of millions of dollars locally on maintenance and ongoing operations.
Outside of the gas investments in the region, other sector investments remain high:
Freight Hub
$50 million first stage intermodal freight hub currently being built west of Toowoomba – approximately half of all Port of Brisbane products already come from or through the region.
Business Precinct
Second stage of Toowoomba’s Grand Central shopping centre ready to open and a host of new accommodation and hospitality businesses springing up around the city.
Data Hub
Toowoomba host the main trunk route for the National Broadband Network (NBN), which runs from Brisbane through the city before splitting south towards Melbourne and west towards smaller centres. Planned for a 2017 completion Toowoomba Technology Park will host Australia’s first regional data centre, a planned 20-year project that could ultimately employ 2,400 people. Importantly, Microsoft estimate that by 2020 data storage will be the single largest consumer of power on the planet.
As always in real estate, position is everything, and with our Toowoomba facility due for completion early in 2018 Infinite Care is well positioned to support this region’s growing and ageing population.
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