Infinite Care Mt Lofty’s Recycling Program Raising Funds for a Resident Bus
When Infinite Care’s Mt Lofty Facility Manager, Lyn Polson, noticed the amount of plastic containers and bottles they were accumulating (and disposing of), she put her thinking cap on. At every monthly resident meeting, the desire for a resident bus was being passionately raised and discussed. Residents and staff were desperate to find a way to purchase their own bus so they can get out and about as they wish, without the need to hire a local bus service and depend on their schedule.
Implemented over a month ago, the 18 recycling bins scattered around the home are not only helping to reduce environmental wastage, they are already bringing in the dollars – with 10c paid per container.
Lyn states that, “We are already making around $60 a week from the program and we have priced a bus with wheelchair access to be around $10,000. We will be able to reach our goal within 12 months and then we plan to continue the program to cover our maintenance costs too. Staff also want it so much they offered to go without Christmas presents from me this year, but they all need to be recognised for all their hard work so I couldn’t bring myself to not show them my appreciation.” She goes on, “The residents have taken full ownership of policing the recycling – making sure other residents are cleaning the containers properly and removing lids. It’s been funny to witness but also really heart-warming as it’s giving them a goal they are really excited about, and something to work towards as a community.”
When the bins are full, they call Artie, their local collector, who Lyn says they all love as he goes above and beyond to help them out. The staff and residents have started to really look forward to his visits.
We look forward to bringing you an update on this lovely story in the very near future – and we hope it involves a photo of some very happy residents alongside their shiny Infinite bus!