Press Releases


There is always something happening at Infinite Care worth sharing. Read our latest news below…

Two residents at Infinite Care Cornubia were left in awe when they received a series of unexpected congratulatory messages from high-ranking officials, including a personal note from His Majesty the...
Residents of Infinite Care’s homes have established groups of ‘KnitWits’ to learn new skills and inspire creativity while clicking their knitting needles into action....
Infinite Care is championing social wellbeing and combatting loneliness with their Long Table events, an innovative, year-round concept that has already numerous residents form new friendships....
Buckingham Palace should know this address by heart, as four residents of Infinite Aged Care’s Hahndorf facility have celebrated extraordinary milestones, each marking a centenarian birthday—and one resident credits a...
Infinite Care Hahndorf proudly welcomed another couple into their home community, which marks the third couple admitted within the past fortnight....
Infinite Care is excited to announce a strategic relationship with SA Health that will benefit the local community and ensure that hospital beds are available for acute requirements....
This month, the Infinite Care community has embarked on an enriching journey to Kenya, all without leaving the comfort of their home....
Taking risks and drinking brandy – this lady’s secret to living 107 years...
A Beary Nice Week at Infinite Care: National Teddy Bears’ Picnic Brings Generations Together...
Infinite Care Named Amongst South Australia’s Best Aged Care Homes...
Infinite Care Announces Strategic Relationship with Cairns Hospital...
Infinite Care Announces Acquisition of 3 Facilities from Retreat Care...

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