June 15 2021 welcomes a day that is very close to our hearts – World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. It’s a day that asks nothing of us but to simply spread the word, any way we can, that elder abuse of any type is unacceptable.
We are all ageing, and most of us will be reliant on others for our daily needs one day. The thought of those who are so frail and vulnerable being abused in any way is almost too much to bear.
Which is why this day is so important.
We are holding events across our homes to show how much we care…why not do the same?
It’s simple. Just dig through your cupboard to find a purple item of clothing (quite the task…we don’t have many of those either), invite your friends over for a cuppa, and post a photo on your Facebook using the hashtag #WEAAD ?
For more ideas on how you can throw your support behind this cause please click here