
Our Testimonials

Infinite Care are proud of each of our locations. But don’t just take our word for it!

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Rita, Family Member, Mt Lofty
“I would like to take the opportunity to thank the beautiful caring people who have helped Graham and shown me great kindness over the past two years. Their care, dedication and kindness have meant everything to me. I am so grateful that Graham is being cared for in a beautiful place with exceptionally kind carers.”
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Resident, Rose Court
South Australia
“Today I was visited by a lifestyle staff member for a 1:1 session. We started off with some pub quizzes and a cup of tea. I enjoyed the quizzes, and I learnt new facts. My 1:1 session gave me a sense of belonging and inclusion.”
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Resident, Rose Court
South Australia
“I had such a wonderful time on the shopping trip! It was great to get out of the home and see all the new things in the shops. I enjoyed picking out a few treats for myself and chatting with the staff and other people. I am truly delighted shopping for new clothes. It reminded me of when I used to shop before living in the nursing home. I felt more independent, and it was therapeutic to shop. Thank you for organising such a lovely outing.”
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Krishna, Staff, Cleveland
South East Queensland
“One of our beautiful residents complimented the kitchen staff for cooking wonderful dishes every day. She is speechless about the variety of dishes that are being served. She is extremely grateful for being at Cleveland and being looked after so well.”
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Resident, Edge Hill Orchards
North Queensland
“I was in another home before here, but my daughter took me out and brought me here. You’re apprehensive but I love it, a new lease of life. Everyone’s been so lovely, and it’s raised the bar for aged care.”
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Susan, Family Member, Klemzig
South Australia
“We would like to express our sincere thanks from the whole family for taking wonderful care of Mum. We are so appreciative for the level of care and kindness shown to her during her stay over the past 14 months.”
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Marie, Resident, Klemzig
South Australia
“I cannot even begin to express what a fantastic concert we all got to experience last night. Being my first Christmas here at Klemzig, I did not know what to expect, it was really well organised and so much fun. I really like how everyone got involved, seeing the staff participating and involving us residents to sing too was such a pleasure and fun night, thank you everyone who organised and worked so hard to make it a perfect night.”
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Janette, Staff, Christies Beach
South Australia
“Since introducing the birds in the MSU courtyard, a resident who previously would just sit in his chair over by the lounge area unless coming to the table for meals, has started engaging with the budgies every morning by going out and talking to them. He has spoken about doing this several times now as he used to keep birds when he was younger.”
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Resident, Ipswich
South East Queensland
What a great team lifestyle are. They make everything so amazing for us. The decorating for Christmas is just beautiful and takes me back to my childhood. What an amazing team they are. They are so full of love and understanding. What a great place to be here at Infinite Care Ipswich.”
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Brad, Family Member, Edge Hill Orchards
North Queensland
“The staff were absolutely sensational with mum’s transition / admission last night. Edge Hill Orchards care home is beautiful and exudes professionalism. Mum was so happy and loved all the nursing staff, she was overwhelmed. She loves being and working with nursing staff as she herself nursed all her life. I cannot close before mentioning the high professionalism of the duty nurse Princy and the girls working with her were just beautiful to us all through the transition. Myself, Tracy, and our partners were extremely impressed. Many thanks again to Fiona and the initial assistance from Diane which was nothing short of outstanding.”
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Jo-Anne, Family Member, Edmonton Garden
North Queensland
I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of all Stanley’s family to thank you all for your support and care of our Father. Dad told us he made the right decision by coming to Edmonton Gardens and he was being taken good care of. You all made him feel very welcome and we know he had the best care possible considering his circumstances. Also thank you Steve for the beautiful send off your staff gave him (Guard of Honor). I watched the video and was very touched at the respect shown to him. I have not seen this done in any hospital/aged care place before. It meant a lot to us.”
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Family Member, Ipswich
South East Queensland
“Thank you to Amanda and her team for looking after my parents. My dad has changed his whole attitude since I was their 2 weeks ago. They were both getting off the bus this morning and I witnessed my dad smiling and giving staff a kiss and cuddle. Huge change. So, thank you for what you do.”
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Kelly, Family Member, Edmonton Gardens
North Queensland
“Thank you for getting mum involved in the activities. Even though she may not participate much, she is out of her room socialising. I just really wanted to say thank you.”
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Robert, Resident, Christies Beach
South Australia
“The flower garden outside my window in the MSU looks wonderful. It’s really nice that I have a beautiful view in my room now. They’ve done a really good job. I love it.”
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Stacey, Family Member, Edmonton Gardens
North Queensland
“I just wanted to thank you for a lovely ‘Guard of Honour’ for my dad, thank you for all you have done.”
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Wendy, Resident, Rose Court
South Australia
“One of the Engagement and Wellbeing staff came to my room after lunch and gave me hand massage while chatting. I appreciate this contact as I am blind and mostly prefer spending time in my room. It was really nice; they were very attentive, and it really helped me relax.”
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