Infinite Mount Lofty Set to Connect with the Community
At Infinite Care we read everything we can get our hands on when it comes to the aged care sector. This includes all the latest news, new findings, technology innovations and legislation changes.
We came across an article recently that got us excited because it perfectly aligns with what we are creating at our Mount Lofty facility (under construction). The focus of our first greenfield project was to build a home that would perfectly integrate with the community it was within.
Overlooking the local sporting ground
A link between watching football and stimulating brain activity
Recent findings that watching football is good for the mind and beneficial for dementia sufferers further cements that vision. The recent article cites opinion from Professor Alistair Burns where he states that, “as well as being great physical exercise, there is a positive link between watching classic football matches and keeping the mind active.” The article goes further to state that the power of sport can be found to stimulate emotional memories, so as people in later life relive exciting or tense moments it can stimulate memories and potentially strengthen brain activity.
Feeling like you are part of the action
Envisioning a hub of activity
Our community focused approach is tied firmly to the inclusion of a café, movie theatre, function area and salon – all open to be used and enjoyed by the public. We envision our home to be a hub of activity that is all inclusive and mutually beneficial to both our residents and to locals.
With future plans to hold intergenerational playgroups within the facility and the knowledge of how stimulating and beneficial this can be for residents, children and their parents, we are busy gathering a passionate, engaged and highly qualified team together to ensure Infinite Mount Lofty is the first and best of its kind.
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